15th anniversary of FilmAT Festival
Great anniversary of FilmAT Festival brings reflections. International Jury for the fifteenth time determined the most beautiful films, which in individual categories will be awarded by Tourist statuettes. Films with outstanding educational and scientific values will be, as usual, awarded by Tourist Owl. All our dignified statuettes were designed by well known artist Jacek Podlasiński.
FilmAT Festival since its very beginning is a member of International Committee of Tourism Film Festivals CIFFT, which from 1989 selects the best tourism films of the World. Films partecipating in global ranking are evaluated by jury commissions from different countries and continents. The works nominated and the winner of Grand Prix CIFFT will reign around the World, enchanting international public by this one season, as amazing butterflies, which live short but leave their beauty in the memory of the whole World for a long time…
CIFFT, as well as our Festival are endorsed by such international institutions as: World Tourism Organization UNWTO, European Travel Commission, Caribbean Tourism Organization and Centro America.
Tourist Owl of 15th FilmAT Festival
FilmAT Festival was born in royal town of Płock and from the beginnng (with a year gap for Lublin edition) continues activity in Mazovia – in the heart of Poland and in Warsaw – same centre of Europe. From the beginning our partner is Polish Tourism Organization, an active participant primarily of the national competition, which determine the best film from all Poland, also from the smallest towns and villages.
Office of the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship is another institution which supports us from many years giving its patronage and as a partner of several international conferences. We are proud, that in this jubilee edition Museum of Sports and Tourism, institution of Mazovian Voivodeship is a partner of FilmAT Festival. We are very pleased that the people managing the Museum are specialists in the field of film, so they could share their substantive knowledge during the sessions of both jury committees.
International Competition
Grand Prix Tourism
By the occasion of the great jubilee, I would like to emphasize that thanks to several years of fruitful cooperation with the General Inspectorate of Road Transport (which for a year, until July this year, was the presidency of the Euro Contrôle Route), we were able to promote films of high educational value in the field of travel safety, and especially road safety.
We are proud that from many years the jury, which consists of increasingly younger and talented jurors, is chaired by Zbigniew Żmudzki, an educated and experienced artist-filmmaker, producer of Oscar-winner animaion “Peter and the Wolf”. In the works of international jury takes part Alexander V. Kammel – the top specialist in tourism promotion and corporate film, creator and director of CIFFT.
International Competition
Grand Prix Corporate
What is this jubilee year 2020 like? Organizationally difficult due to the pandemic, but definitely strong in terms of the level of movies. The jury commissions – international and national – selected for the first time in the history of FilmAT as many as four Grand Prix winners!
In the international competition, the highest award – Grand Prix in the thematic category of Tourist Communication was won by the French film „Staycation” submitted to the CIFFT competition by Nimes Tourisme, the highest Grand Prix in the Corporate and Institutional Films category won Polish film „Business in Toruń” produced for Business Support Center in Toruń.
In the national competition, the jury awarded Grand Prix for the best Polish film of the festival in the tourist category to the film „Green Corridors” produced by Wytwórnia Filmów Oświatowych in Łódź. In the Corporate and Institutional Films category, the Grand Prix won the ingenious film „How security sounds – UNIQA sounds safe” by UNIQA.
The tourist owl was awarded to the series of films „The Sounds of Cross-Culture”, which was produced under the artistic and musical direction of Professor Maria Pomianowska.
National Competition
Grand Prix Tourism
How does Zbigniew Żmudzki, the president of the jury, evaluate these victories and this year’s edition?
“I am glad that despite the pandemic, the 15th anniversary FilmAT Festival took place. The restrictions related to the epidemic made it necessary to act online, often without traditional meetings. Nevertheless, it turned out that the level of the festival did not drop at all. The submitted films were characterized by originality and high quality. artistic and technical quality. I am also happy that there are better and better Polish films at the festival. I am pleased with the award of the Tourist Owl statuette for professor Maria Pomianowska – world-famous ethnic musician.
It should also be noted that FilmAT had excellent partners this year – the Sports and Tourism Museum and, like every year, the Polish Tourism Organization. I would also like to thank the director of the festival, Ewa Kotus, and her team for the enormous amount of work in such unusual conditions in which we had to work … „
Congratulations for all winners!
National Competition
Grand Prix Corporate
Statuette of Tourist Owl
for a series of films
„Sounds of Culture Crossings”
by artistic direction of Maria Pomianowska
Stołeczna Estrada
„Staycation” / Nimes Tourisme
Category Promotional Film of the Country
I prize „Seek less, find more” / Austrian Tourism Board
Category Promotional Film of the Region
I prize „Yaroslavia will stay in your stories” / Evgeny Vasilevsky and Yaroslavskaya
I prize „Nothing much but much more” / Republic Of Srpska Tourist Organisation
II prize “Life is now!” / Turismo Centro Portugal
II prize “Time has come” / Turismo Centro Portugal
Category Promotional Film of the City
I prize „Toledo Alfonso X” / Municipality of Toledo
I prize “Help” / Madrid City Council
II prize “Kitzbuhel 365 – New worlds, new cosms, new wonders” / Kitzbuhel
II prize “Experience Rindal – Story of the Rindalsbunad” / Opplev Rindal
Category Tourism Product
I prize “Culture of Many Destinations” / Museum of the second World War in Gdańsk
II prize “Alps in their very best” / Zell Am See-Kaprun Tourismus
Category Tourism Service
I prize “You only love once”/Vidamar Resort Algarve
Category History & Heritage up to 30 min
I prize “Children of Soviet Deportations” / Museum of the second World War in Gdańsk
Category Arts, Music & Culture
I prize “Amnezja” / TVN S.A
Category History & Heritage up to 90 min:
I prize “We the people” / TVN S.A.
Category Ethnography & Society
I prize “Let them drown” / TVN S.A.
Category Environment & Ecology
I prize “Eco clues from the Woods” / report series of Nadleśnictwo Antonin
Category Nature & Wildlife
I prize “Geen corridors” / Wytwórnia Filmów Oświatowych w Łodzi
„Business in Toruń” / Business Support Center in Toruń
Category Corporate Image film
I prize “Century of Martime Administration RP” / Maritime Office in Gdynia
Category Corporate Informational Film
I prize „Medyczny Gigant” /WARBUD S.A.
I prize “The story of the birth of a jug” / Artistic Handicraft Cooperative „Ceramika Artystyczna” in Bolesławiec
Special Award from President of the International Jury
“Golubac Fortress – Ancient Guardian of Iron Gate” / Golubac Fortress –
Tvrdava Golubacki Grad
„Zielone Korytarze” / Wytwórnia Filmów Oświatowych w Łodzi
Category Promotional Film of the Region / Kategoria Film Promujący Region
I nagroda „Odkrywaj Podlaskie” / Podlaska Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna
II nagroda „Brama Sudetów Środkowych” / Lokalna Grupa Działania Kwiat Lnu
II nagroda „Śląsk Cieszyński” / Starostwo Powiatowe w Cieszynie
Category Promotional Film of the City / Kategoria Film Promujący Miasto
I nagroda ”Gmina Wólka” / Gmina Wólka
II nagroda „Miasto i Gmina Wołczyn” / Urząd Miejski w Wołczynie
II nagroda „Gmina Liszki”/ Urząd Gminy Liszki
Nagroda specjalna „Sopot naturalnie kulturalny”/ Urząd Miasta Sopotu
Nagroda specjalna „Radomsko – miasto otwarte” / Urząd Miasta Radomsko
Category Tourism Product – Cultural Attractions / Kategoria Produkt Turystyczny – Atrakcje Kulturalne
I nagroda „Kultura wielu wymiarów” / Muzeum II Wojny Światowej w Gdańsku
II nagroda „Open Hair Festival 2019 Sieradz” / Urząd Miasta Sieradz
Nagroda specjalna „Shodo – kaligrafia japońska. Mistrz Usuda Tosen” / Muzeum Regionalne w Toruniu
Category History & Heritage / Kategoria Historia i Dziedzictwo
I nagroda „Powrót do Janowej Doliny” / Muzeum II Wojny Światowej w Gdańsku
Category Arts, Music & Culture / Kategoria Sztuka, Muzyka i Kultura
I nagroda „Amnezja” TVN S.A.
Category Ethnography & Society / Kategoria Etnografia i Sprawy Społeczne
I nagroda „Na górze Tyrry” / TVN S.A.
Category Environment & Ecology / Kategoria Ekologia i Środowisko
I nagroda „Góry zrodzone z morza” / TVP Wrocław
II nagroda „Ale się porybiło… 10 lat Rybackiej Lokalnej Grupy Działania Opolszczyzna” / Rybacka Lokalna Grupa Działania Opolszczyzna” /
Category Nature & Wildlife / Kategoria Natura I Dzika Przyroda
I nagroda „Życie lasu. Bogactwo runa i podszytu” / Leśne Studio Filmowe ORWLP w Bedoniu
I nagroda „Łomżyński Park Krajobrazowy Doliny Narwi. Cztery pory roku” / LPKDN
Category Biographies / Kategoria Biografie
I nagroda „Współczesna Wieś” / Gmina Nasielsk
„Jak brzmi bezpieczeństwo – UNIQA brzmi bezpiecznie” / UNIQA
Category Corporate Image Film / Kategoria Korporacyjny Film Wizerunkowy
I nagroda „Jak brzmi bezpieczeństwo – UNIQA brzmi bezpiecznie” / UNIQA
Category Corporate Informational Film
I nagroda ”Ustka – lubimy być na fali” / Urząd Miasta Ustka
I nagroda „Powiat Leżajski – Przyjedź, zobacz, zainwestuj” / Starostwo Powiatowe w Leżajsku
Category Internal Communication / Kategoria komunikacja wewnętrzna
I nagroda „Wybierz schody” / LOTOS Group
Category Environment & Ecology / Kategoria Dbałość o Środowisko i Ekologia
I nagroda „Mennica Legacy Tower – Odbiory & Zielona Certyfikacja” / WARBUD S.A.
Category Fundraising, Non-profit, CSR / Kategoria Fundraising,, Organizacje nonprofit, CSR
I nagroda „Hot16chellange!2” WARBUD SA
Category Road Safety / Kategoria bezpieczeństwo na drodze
I nagroda „Bezpieczne przejazdy” Urząd Transportu Kolejowego
Special Award from Director of FilmAT Festival
“Top Quality” / Firma Urliński Andrzej
„Europejskie Modelowe Dwumiasto Słubice&Frankfurt nad Odrą” / Gmina Słubice Urząd Miejski w Słubicach